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Coping with Homesickness and Loneliness as an International Student

Wednesday, 24 April 2024, 03:05 PM By Ana Camara


Congratulations on your decision to study in Australia! As an international student, you're embarking on a journey filled with both challenges and incredible learning opportunities. Adjusting to a new country, living independently, managing financial pressures, and striving for social inclusion can be daunting. 

It’s perfectly natural to feel a mix of excitement and anxiety during your initial weeks at Greenwich.

What is Homesickness?


Homesickness is a typical reaction to separation from familiar environments and loved ones. Relocating to a new city, especially vibrant and diverse Australian cities, represents a significant life transition that can affect your emotional health. Recognising these feelings and allowing yourself time to adapt is crucial for managing homesickness effectively. 

Signs of Homesickness

Recognising the signs of homesickness is the first step toward managing it. Common signs include:

- Emotional upheaval or frequent crying

- Difficulty sleeping or changes in sleep patterns

- Altered appetite

- Persistent nausea

- Difficulty concentrating

- Feelings of isolation or withdrawal

- Overwhelming anxiety

Strategies to Combat Homesickness

  1. Stay Connected: Maintaining regular contact with family and friends back home can provide comfort and stability. Schedule regular calls or video chats.
  2. Engage with Your Surroundings: Take time to explore local attractions, parks, and cafes. Understanding your new environment can make it feel more welcoming. Every month Greenwich puts together Students Activities around Australian with fresh new free and paid events for you to enjoy Australia. 
  3. Personalise Your Space: Decorating your room with personal items from home can make your new space feel more comfortable.
  4. Build a Routine: Establishing a daily routine can provide a sense of order and normalcy. Include time for studies, social activities, and personal care.
  5. Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Physical activity and a balanced diet can improve your mood and health. Consider joining a sports team or fitness group.
  6. Set Realistic Expectations: College life will be different from what you're used to. Adjustment takes time, so keep an open mind and be patient.
  7. Seek Professional Help: If homesickness or loneliness persists, consider speaking to a mental health professional. Support is readily available at Greenwich College.

Meet Mariana, Your Mental Health & Wellbeing Counsellor

Hello, my name is Mariana, and I am based in Sydney at the Pitt St campus. With my qualifications and experience, I can assist you with academic challenges, social integration, and career development. Our 30-minute sessions are confidential, providing a safe space to discuss and navigate your feelings.

Book an online appointment with Mariana here.

UPRISE Student Assistance Program


Additional Coping Strategies

Cultural Engagement: Immerse yourself in the local culture by attending events, festivals, and other cultural activities. This can provide a better understanding of the community and help you feel more connected to your new home.

Volunteer: Engaging in volunteer work can be a great way to meet people, contribute to the community, and build a sense of purpose.

Stay Active in Student Life: Participate in college events, join clubs, and connect with fellow students. Being active on campus can help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices can help you manage stress and anxiety. Try Insight Timer, there is a free version of the app that provides access to over 146,000 guided meditations, talks, podcasts, and music tracks. However, it doesn't allow access to any of the app's courses, offline listening, or the option to rewind or fast-forward. You can opt for a free seven-day trial of the paid version.

- Practical Exercises to Manage Homesickness:

- Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and experiences can help manage emotions and track your adaptation progress.

- Create a Memory Box: Fill a box with items that remind you of home, which you can turn to whenever you’re feeling particularly homesick.

Study Melbourne has some other cool tips for overcoming homesickness like: 

Make new friends

One of the best ways to deal with homesickness is to make new friends. There are so many different ways to meet new people; you could join a club or sports team, get a part-time job, try a new hobby or start volunteering in your spare time. You may even meet new people where you live - particularly if you’re staying in student accommodation. 

Several fields of study involve group work and collaborative assessments. As a result, you’ll have ample opportunities to interact with your classmates and form new connections. It’s also a good idea to befriend fellow international students as they will understand exactly what you’re going through. By connecting with people in the same position as you, you’ll be reminded that you’re not alone.

Once you’ve made some new friends, be sure to check out all the incredible free things to do in Melbourne together.

Stay in touch with your loved ones

You may feel homesick when you are away from your family and friends. However, thanks to today’s technology, you can still stay in touch with your loved ones even if they are thousands of miles away. Scheduling regular phone or video calls with your family and friends can help you feel less lonely and isolated in Australia. It’s also an excellent way to stay up-to-date with news from home.

Focus on self-care 

Being far away from home can be tough, which is why it’s so important to take good care of your physical and mental well-being. Make sure your life is balanced between work, study, rest and play so you don’t become too overwhelmed or burnt out. Self-care looks different for everyone but you might like to try going on day trips or short holidays, having an at-home spa day, going for a walk, reading.

Explore Australia with Greenwich

Discover the beauty and diversity of Australia with Greenwich! Our program is designed to enhance your educational experience by exploring the vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and unique wildlife of this incredible country. Through a series of organised trips and activities, students and teachers come together to learn outside the classroom and form lasting bonds.


- Educational Enhancement: Learn in a dynamic and interactive environment. Each excursion is designed to complement your studies and provide real-world experiences.

- Social Connections: Build relationships with fellow students and faculty. These trips are a great way to make friends and find peers with similar interests.

- Mental and Physical Wellbeing: Getting out and about can greatly improve your mental and physical health. Activities are chosen to help relieve the stresses of academic life.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to expand your horizons both educationally and personally. Join Greenwich College in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Perth or Adelaide.

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