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English for Academic Purposes

Master the English skills needed for academic success

Nervous about the challenges associated with tertiary study in an English-speaking country? English for Academic Purposes (EAP) focuses on the presentation, essay writing and referencing skills you will need to thrive at university or college.

Who is this course for?

EAP is designed for upper intermediate-level English students who want to improve their academic English skills in preparation for further study at University or College in an English-speaking country.

EAP provides a pathway to many Colleges and Universities in Australia.


You will learn to

  • Effectively participate in a university or college course
  • Express facts, ideas and opinions in writing, using correct and appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structures for academic purposes
  • Understand spoken English in conversations, discussions and lectures 
  • Take notes effectively
  • Speak clearly and confidently in English
  • Write well-structured and formatted texts of various types - such as essays - and understand academic texts
  • Understand and deliver seminar presentations in English in front of a group


You will learn this through

  • Audio


  • videogec


  • writing


  • presentation-01


  • Oral_questioningGEC


  • casestudies

    Case Studies

Why study English for Academic Purposes at Greenwich College?


More options for further study

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  • This course offers a pathway to a range of diploma and higher education programs offered at over 30 leading Australian colleges and universities – no need to complete an official English test.


Free test practice & academic support

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  • Achieve greater success with FREE test practice and personalised support including:
    - Weekly IELTS test practice and feedback to reinforce learning and track progress
    - Fortnightly one-on-one academic counselling, so you know where to focus your efforts.


The teachers at this school are very high quality. They also have a diverse range of nationalities among the students so you can mix and speak with people using more than your own language.

Gloria Ximena

Sample Timetable

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
09:00-10:30 Last Week Review Grammar for
Academic Purposes

Describing graphs
and chart
Reading Skills

How can grammar help your reading?
Grammar for
Academic Purposes

Using complex grammar structures in your writing
Practice Test
Writing and Reading
10:40-12:30 Academic
Vocabulary week

Learning academic
vocabulary related to the
topic of the
Listening to
University Lectures

Listening for important
points and information
Vocabulary Builder
Phrases and expressions
connected to the
topic of the week
Vocabulary Revision

Reinforcing new vocabulary
Practice Test
Listening and Speaking
13:15-13:55 Writing Skills
The difference between
formal and informal writing
Writing Skills
How to write an essay
Writing Skills
In class practice
Writing Skills
Talking about
complicated ideas
14:05-15:00 Academic Reading

Using special reading techniques to quickly
find answers
Debating techniques
and practice
Academic Writing
How to do an academic
Academic Writing

Different types of
Feedback on

Here's what you need to know

Entry Requirements
IELTS 6.0 or equivalent; or
Greenwich College Placement Test.


Course Commencement
Classes are offered 3 times each year.


Course Duration
Courses are 12 weeks.