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Cambridge English: B2 First (FCE)

Master the skills needed to live and work independently in Australia

Build on the core English skills you learnt in Cambridge English: A2 Key (KET) and Cambridge English: B1 Preliminary (PET) to extend your vocabulary, convey more abstract themes, and write more complex pieces to operate more confidently and naturally in an English-speaking environment.

Book your Cambridge English Exam: B2 First (FCE)

Who is this course suited for

Choose Cambridge English B2 First (FCE) if you:

  • Are an Upper Intermediate level student or have successfully completed Cambridge English: B1 Preliminary (PET)
  • Want a more intensive alternative to General English
  • Want a globally recognised measure of English proficiency for employment, immigration or tertiary study purposes

You will learn

  • To convey ideas fluently in English using correct grammar and sentence structure
  • More sophisticated vocabulary and grammar (word order, word families, paraphrasing)
  • How to write longer, more complex pieces of writing such as essays, reports and reviews
  • Examination tips and strategies to help you achieve success.

Upon completing your Cambridge English: B2 First (FCE) course you can continue your studies with Cambridge English: C1 Advanced (CAE)


You will learn this through

  • Audio


  • videogec


  • writing


  • presentation-01


  • Oral_questioningGEC


  • pretest


Why study Cambridge English: B2 First (FCE) at Greenwich College?


Free classes & learning support

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  • Gain a higher result in your final examination with FREE classes and test practice including:

    - Weekly test practice to reinforce learning and check progress
    - 6 hours of ‘Cambridge Club’ classes per course, to refine examination skills
    - Regular one-on-one academic counselling, so you know where to focus your efforts.


Flexible timetable options

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  • Choose from day or evening classes - so you can work and experience the best of  Australia while you study.


An authorised Cambridge Exam Centre

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  • Greenwich English College is an authorised Cambridge Examination Centre, so you can take the final test in a familiar location.

Sample Timetable

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
09:00 - 10:30 Test Review
Intro of new topic
Cambridge Speaking
Speaking test tips,
tricks and traps
Cambridge Speaking
Speaking test tips,
tricks and traps
Cambridge Speaking
Saying more!
Practice Test
10:40 - 12:30 Use of English
Using the right grammar structure
Use of English
How to arrange words
in a sentence
Use of English
Playing with words
Use of English
Re-phrasing and
Practice Test
Reading Use of English
13:15 - 13:55 Cambridge Reading
Reading test structure
and reading technqiues
Vocabulary Builder
Phrases, verbs, expressions, collocations
Cambridge Writing
How to write a review /
report / letter etc
Cambridge Listening
Understanding native
Practice Test
14:05 - 15:00 Cambridge Listening
Not panicking when
Cambridge Speaking
How to support your
speaking partner
Cambridge Writing
In class writing
Cambridge Reading
Learning new
words in context
Practice Test
15:05 - 16:00 Cambridge Club
time monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday

Here's what you need to know


Entry Requirements
IELTS 5.5 or equivalent; or
Greenwich College Placement Test.


Course Commencement
Classes commence every 12 weeks.


Course Duration
Classes are 12 weeks.