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Why now is the perfect time to study leadership and management

Tuesday, 11 January 2022, 09:35 AM By Greenwich College

If you're considering further training to develop your leadership and management skills, now is the ideal time to get started. Leadership skills are in high demand, with many employers seeking experienced candidates who can provide evidence of strong leadership skills. 

There's no time like the present

Putting off study can impact both your future career prospects and earning potential. A formal qualification can make you more attractive to employees when you're looking for a job, so starting now means you're one step closer to achieving your career goals. A recent survey by National Centre for Vocational Education Research found that 56.6% of employers used accredited training through the VET system to meet their skills needs in 2021, up 5.7% from 2019 (NCVER, 2021).  

Decentralised leadership

In today's business world, organisations require agile business models. Leadership is needed across all levels of an organisation. Having the skills to lead and manage is becoming increasingly important, regardless of where you sit in an organisational structure. 


Skills in demand

A recent graduate outlook report surveyed employers to uncover what selection criteria mattered most when recruiting. The top-ranking skills were those aligned with leadership and management. For example, 'demonstrated leadership' was regarded as necessary by 13.1% of respondents, while interpersonal and communication skills ranked highest at 58.3% (Graduate Careers Australia). 


Job security

Successful leaders and managers have excellent soft skills, for example, active listening and interpersonal skills. While automation can replace technical skills, soft skills can't be replicated by technology. This means greater job security.


Future growth

Managers are currently in demand. According to the Labour Market Information Portal, managers will experience a growth rate of 6.2% until May 2024 across most leading industries. Specialist managers in particular, for example, finance managers or HR managers, are expected to see growth rates of 10.3% to November 2025 (LMIP).


Transferable skills

Leadership and management skills are highly transferable. Experienced CEO's are now switching industries, for example, moving from telecommunications to financial services. While some learnings are required to understand the nuances of the industry and business operations, many Boards are increasingly looking for candidates who have the skills to lead, inspire and demonstrate measurable outputs regardless of industry specialisation.

Working as a leader or manager can offer a range of career opportunities, providing stability, job security and job satisfaction. If you're interested in enhancing your leadership skills, consider studying our Diploma of Leadership and Management

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