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Key qualities employers look for when hiring

Wednesday, 11 May 2016, 04:42 PM By admissions



People with drive and ambition are highly prized over those who don’t show a passion for what they are doing. Being ambitious shows that you are committed to the role and that you are continually willing to learn and improve – great for helping a company grow, expand and succeed.


Being resilient is one of the key qualities that employees look for when hiring. It means the applicants are able to withstand stress, pressure, drawbacks and failures, and, more importantly, overcome them. There are always failures in all aspects of life, but being able to bounce back and remain positive is one of the most important values that sets people apart.


Similar to being resilient, employers seek people who have the ability to adapt to the constantly changing business environment.


It goes without saying, but friendlier, happier people are often chosen over people who are more reserved. Employers look for people who have the right personality and demeanor to fit into a company culture, and being likeable and friendly will definitely get you noticed.

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